Friday, April 26, 2013

Ways to Solve Drug Addictions

Ways to Solve Drug Addictions
I had a drug addiction of all sorts of drugs for about three years straight, until I decided to quit. I had seen too many people that I was close to either die or go to prison for the use of drugs, so that’s why I decided to quit. Quitting a drug addiction is very hard but it could be done. One way to quit is to fight the temptations. For example, I fought my addiction by saying no whenever I was offered some drugs, even though the temptations were still in play. I was able to do this because I sat back and looked at a drug-filled life and a drug-free life. I saw the negatives of the drug-filled life, which are people who used to be good-looking, transform into an ugly person, and the drug overtakes the user’s daily life. But for a drug-free life I didn’t see any negatives. So that helped over come my wanting of drugs.
A second way to help solve the drug addiction is counseling. There are a lot of programs out there for people that don’t think they have the will power to quit drugs. For example, they offer a twelve-step program, which I believe is a good way to get your confidence back to where you really want it to be.
Another way is to isolate your self from bad influences. Such as friends, family, or any other people that may put drugs in front of you, and even places that remind you of using the drugs. Back when I realized that I had a problem, I signed up for Job Corps, which has a zero tolerance program. This helped me take it one day at a time. Even though it was tough, I stuck with it.
Faith in your life is a good way to help you set your mind to realize the consequences that you put yourself and others through by using drugs. Praying every morning and night just to say thanks for another day to fight your addiction is an incredible way to show appreciation to the creator that you actually care about your life and the people around you that care for you. Just a reminder, is that the creator wont help you until you help yourself out first.
The main keys to succeed in fighting drug addictions are to be positive and confidant. It’s all in your mind. If you think that you will never be sober again then you are setting your own standards too low. You have to remind yourself that you are in control of your life and that drugs are not. You have to be confidant about your life and know that you have a purpose in this world in a positive way. I am one who believes that I had the will power to quit cold turkey after three years of using. I have a saying that it’s “mind over matter.” It’s just like when your parents tell you that, “You can do anything if you put your mind into it”. Quitting is possible, if I can do it anyone can, you just have to want it for yourself.

--Kory Van Enkenvoort

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